There are many different factors to consider when creating a new website heres a rundown of a few things you may not of considered
Domain Name
One of the first things you’ll want to consider when creating a new website. A domain name says so much while saying so little about your business. In addition to being memorable, a domain name needs to reflect your businesses brand. Finding the right name for your brand is crucial, because incorporating a combination of SEO and brand identity or keyword into the domain name leads to a higher chance of being located in search engine results
Next you may want to consider where to host your website. There are many different hosting options available and it’s important chose the option which best fits your requirements. Will the website be media-rich, with loads of pictures, videos, and presentations? Are you able to handle any technical queries in house, or do you need support from your hosting provider? Do you need dedication or shared hosting? Also think about the amount of traffic your website will receive. Does the hosting company offer scalable solutions? What backup, security, and additional features are offered?
When you start to think about design of your site, do you already have a strong brand / identity in place which your website needs to carry with it. Your design needs to appeal to it target demographic keep it simple, keep it user-friendly, keeping your customers’ requirements in mind. Will my website be viewed on a range of devices or primarily on a desktop computer? Finding this balance is crucial in producing a website which will create a positive user experience.
Images are a big part of many sites today, they’re often the first thing which will grab the user’s attention when they land on your site. Be sure to pick out images which reflect your brand / image., are relevant to the topic being discussed and are aesthetically pleasing. Will you be suing stock photos or do you have your own to be used?
Content is often a stalling point for many websites. Bad content loses interest and result in a loss of custom or even lower google rankings. Be sure to be to thorough but keep it easy to read, accurately describing who you are and what you do including keywords if possible. Be sure to make the information you want the viewer to read as accessible as possible, such as putting your contact number at the top of your home page. If this has been achieved your website should have no problem passing the 7 second test below
The 7 second Test
The big test! Typically, a website has around 7 seconds to engage a visitor. Your website needs to immediately answer these questions by the visitor:
- Is this what I’m looking for?
- Are they legitimate?
- Is it worth me reading more?