Before beginning any web project it is important to take the time to get to know the client, their goals, their future goals, their corporate identity, target demographic and so on. It’s in these values we source the information we need to go forth and create a website that suits their needs wholesomely.

You Need A Carpet Cleaning are a small local company with a focus on local clients' so local google search rankings were of high importance.

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Logo Design

In adition to the website design we were asked to create a logo which incorporated imagery related to the industry whilst keeping it simple. The carpet cleaner head was chosen and encased in a badge style format with the company name set out beside it. The end product being a clear, concise and modern logo which represents itself well.

Responsive Design

To market to as many users as possible the website is responsive ensuring a user-friendly experience which shows off the clients high end service on any device and screen size.

Clear and Concise

With the website target demographic being people who are 30+ it was important to keep the site clear of clutter and easy to navigate.

Newsletter Design

To really stand out when marketing to customers with the latest discounts and deals, we created a custom newsletter design which can be easily edited and sent out to existing and new customers in just a few clicks.

Quotation Form

Due to the wide range of services available and the first come first serve nature of the industry, we created a quotation form allowing users to quickly get the process underway and receive a quotation promptly. 

If you’re interested in kick starting your next web project or just want to discuss an up-coming project give us a call on 01473 722726 or send us a message via our contact page